Welcome to Scenography Journal. We are now working om Issue 3 featuring among other topics Suzanne Osten and Scenography! Issue 1 was published in October 2024 and issue 2 in January 2025. We feature scholarly articles on and with scenography, and review performing arts events, exhibitions, and films. We also share the latest news on scenography.
#3 Research: Knowing in Motion
Time is flying. January 2025 is almost gone and February is about to begin. As advisory board member of the Danish research project Knowing in Motion: Dance, body, archive, I will be travelling to Copenhagen, to attend a board meeting. Focus this time will be Micado Danse Ensemble (1989-1999) in relation to dance activations of archival materials....
We are happy to present #2 of Scenography Journal, this time with a broad focus on multisensory experiences in exhibitions and on stage, and scenographic thinking as a mindset to embrace atmospheric and sensorial aspects of art and life. Themes this time illustrated by the contradictory and tactile silver bowls by Niklas Ejve, where the roughness...
Scenografipatrullen upplever Bobby Fischer bor i Pasadena av Lars Norén, i regi av Frida Röhl, på Folkteatern i Göteborg (5/1, 2025). I vanlig ordning skriver vi från ett scenografiskt, det vill säga mångsinnligt och rumsligt perspektiv.
Sjöfartsmuseet i Göteborg visar utställningen Oceanista där mode, konst och design inspirerade av havet presenteras genom både väntade och oväntade inslag. Besökaren möter sjömannen som kulturhistorisk ikon men också havet som en metaforisk och mystisk plats där drömmar vävs och mörka krafter lurar i djupen. Utställningen har två möjliga ingångar,...
#2 Symposium: Atmos & Spharia
Just nu projekterar jag ett stort forskningsprojekt med arbetsnamnet Scenografihistorier: Scenografikonst och scenisk design i Sverige 1967 till idag. Detta startades med ett teoridrivet symposium, samarrangerat mellan Centrum för kritiska kulturarvsstudier och Jonsereds herrgård, båda vid Göteborgs universitet (GU). Symposiet ägde rum den 13...
Finnish scholar Tua Helve's post-doctoral research project 'Performance costumes as knowledge producers: costume choices and artistic thinking in the 21st century through the work of performance group Oblivia' has recieved funding from Kone Foundation.
Call for Papers for the 14th triennial NORDIK Conference of Art History in the Nordic Countries, 20.–22.10.2025 (Helsinki Finland). We are happy to invite proposals for our session on multisensory aspects of art at the NORDIK 2025 Conference: Sensing the Nordic: Multisensory art and exhibition designs in a Nordic perspective