Scenographing body-place orientations - keep crawling!

Working on my chapter for the Scenography and Art History anthology (forthcoming, Bloomsbury). Have to shorten the text, and 'kill darlings' or rephrase them. This section I took out, but nevertheless wish to share:
"I encourage you, the engaged reader, to reflect upon how you are staging and is being staged by your environment when engaging with my text and with the archive after the dance group Rubicon. As argued by Hann, "the words themselves are conditioned by the manner in which they are encountered" (Hann 2018, 134). It matters if you are outdoors in a public space, re-enacting the experience of vast scale and the intimacies of crawling with monumental stairs, or indoors watching digital archival photographs on a screen. Knowing that all environments, positions and devices always form part of acts of place orientation, you can, most of us can, I suggest, more consciously position our bodies in relation to the knowledge producing activities of scenographing the dance archive. To take on multisensory challenges. Keep crawling!"
The crawling section can be accessed in two simultaneously projected video films of Rubicon - the City Dancers' Götaplatsens trappor (1986), Vimeo ( Crawling can be tried and performed anywhere.