Olfactory Art and the Political in an Age of Resistance


New book: We are looking forward to Olfactory Art and the Political in an Age of Resistance, soon to be published by Routledge (June 2021). It positions itself as a direct challenge to the Modernist aesthetic regime of the optical and assumptions that what is seen establishes a basis for knowledge. Our discourse on smell serves as a shared platform for artists working with odors and for scholars writing about olfactory art. We present contemporary international research and art projects ranging across the fields of race and class scholarship, queer and gender scholarship, environmental studies, animal studies, and institutional critique. Seizing the timing of the conference and the publishing of our book we would like to contribute to the theme of "the Rise of Sensory Politics" by inviting our contributors to a round table where they can pitch in some of their key concepts at the intersection of sensory politics, art, and resistance. Eds: Gwenn Aël-Lynn & Debra Riley Parr

Viveka is happy to contribute with a chapter about scented communication called "Scented Bodies: Perfuming as Resistance and a Subversive Identity Statement", check it out!

More info about the book here!

PS: The book will be discussed in a Roundtable discussion during the upcoming conference Uncommon Senses III at Concordia University, 6-9 May 2021. More info here.

Image credit: Viveka Kjellmer