Hierarchy of Needs - scenographic urgency

Finally Saturday again and the day after the première of Hierarchy of Needs, at Backa thetare in Gothenburg. Great performance, mind boggling. I am shaken, stirn, and inspired. So much to ponder in terms of scenographics (interventional acts of world making, see Hann 2018).
A point of departure: All good, but much more to say: "Scenography" equals in the context of Backa theatre "set design" according to the webpage: https://www.stadsteatern.goteborg.se/backa-teater/vada-teater/scenen/ For me, as an academic exploring recent and amazingly productive theorizations and updates of "scenography" there are indeed important other dimensions to adress.
Some fuel: The urgency of bringing scenographics to the fore becomes emphisized when I read a review of Hierarchy of Needs (Göteborgs-Posten, 3 March 2019) where there is an apparent lack of language for scenographics, multisensory interventional acts of place orientation crafting worlds, shaking safe normativity. With all respect for the theatre critic's knowledge and approach, I will continue to contribute something different, a new language, a scenographics to come. To be continued....