Critical Costume 2018 - program finalized
Ivy Arts Centre, University of Surrey. 12th - 14th September 2018.
From the program: "As our third major event, Critical Costume 2018 asks what are the principal opportunities and challenges that the provocation(s) of 'costume ethics' poses to designers, artists, and scholars. We approach the peculiarity of costume as a liminal method of appearance that is consciously designed and performed. Yet, this same transitional state can partition costume as unstable (when compared to normative orders of bodily representation) that highlights an innate 'risk' inherent within the design, construction and wearing of costume. Consequently, Critical Costume 2018 will debate the permissibility, authorship, and risk of costume and costuming."
Astrid will talk on "Costume as Trickster Trace: Troubling the Dance Archive" and Viveka will talk on "Fragrant bodies: Scent as costume, presence and protective space". Bothe presentations will take place the 14th.
Welcome to join us!