Invited talk: Nordic Centre for Theatre Documentation

I was amazed by the invitation to give a talk at the Nordisk Center för Teaterdokumentation (NCTD) meeting, 15-16 May 2023, in Helsinki. The overarching theme was "collection and documentation of materials from independent performing arts groups and artistis". I gave a talk on "Collecting and Respecting: Caring for independent performing arts heritage", providing examples from the scenography and independent dance domain. The "networks of care" model growing out of my Expansion and Diversity project was met with great interest. I foresee really beneficial future dialogues on these new ways of theorizing the hugely complex task of adressing a fluid and diverse performing arts heritage. It was indeed fantastic to meet engaged scholars and archivists from the Nordics, in a post-pandemic setting. My visit was part of the recently granted project The Scenography Archive: Theory, pedagogy and Utility (Riksarkivet).
Monday, 15 May
9.30 The Doors open.
10.00–10.15 Johanna Laakkonen, Theatre Museum, and Rikard Larsson, Musik- och teaterbibloteket:
Welcome (Includes coffee. Adress: Cable Factory, Kaapeliaukio 3, entrance G)
10.15–11.30 Presentations (Time for short discussion. Stream: Teatterimuseo - YouTube. The Channel
opens 15 minutes earlier Local time EEST.
10.15–10.55 Astrid von Rosen, Göteborgs universitet: Collecting and Respecting: Caring for independent performing arts heritage.
10.55–11.30 Anna Lawaetz, Det Kongelige Bibliotek: I only save what I cannot remember. Danish Performing
Arts and Archival Strategies in the 21 Century.
11.30–12.45 Lunch together, at your own cost: Hima & Sali (Adress: Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C)
12.45–13.15 Johanna Mäkelä, Circus & Dance Info Finland: How to Preserve Traces of Today's Circus Arts?
13.15-13.45 Anni Saisto, Pori Art Museum, and Juha Mehtäläinen, T.E.H.D.A.S ry: D-ark - a Performance Art
Documentation Project
13.45–14 Coffee break
14.00–15.00 Heini Räsänen, Theatre Museum: Presentation of the Theatre Museum exhibitions: Arkadia
Theatre, Everybody Dance! and Props in Focus! (Theatre Museum | Exhibitions (
15.00–16.00 Time to look around the exhibitions by oneself.
19.00 Theatre visit: Enfant terrible, Viirus: At your own cost.
Please, be at the theatre 18.30 to collect and pay for the ticket: (Adress: Välimerenkatu 14,
Tuesday, 16 May
9.30–12 General Meeting (Address: Eskus, Kaasutehtaankatu 1/33, Building No 6 "Puhdistamo", 2. floor)
12.00–13.00 Lunch together, at your own cost: Peloton Cyckling Eatery (Adress: Kaasutehtaankatu 1,
Building No 8 "Kojehuone")
13.00-14.00 Cirko – Center for New Circus (Address: Kaasutehtaankatu 1, building No 8 "Kojehuone")
14.00-15.00 The Performance Arts Centre – Eskus (Address: Kaasutehtaankatu 1/33, building No 6
"Puhdistamo", second floor)
15.00 Meeting ends
Contact in Helsinki: Sanna Brander, Theatre Museum. Tel. +358-40 1922307
Examples of other performances in Helsinki from 14 to 17 May:
Mortal Tropical Dances, Elina Pirinen, Dance House Helsinki: Tanssin talo | Elina Pirinen: Mortal Tropical
One Drop, Sonya Lindfors, Dance House Helsinki: Tanssin talo | Sonya Lindfors: One drop
The Gentle Giant Tour, T.J. Miller, Apollo Live Club: T.J. Miller – The Gentle Giant Tour (
Lear, Finnish National Theatre, Vallila Stage:
Pimpsons, Q-teatteri:
Finnish National Opera and Ballet is unfortunately closed because of a renovation, but the Opera and Ballet
are on arena tour and have a show at Helsinki Ice Hall on May 17.
/Astrid von Rosen