#1 Editorial & Contents: A Scenography Journal is Born

Dear scenography readers, makers, thinkers and writers. I am so proud to be able to announce the birth of the Scenography Journal! After years of blogging to reach out and craft dialogue on and with scenography as art, practice, event and critical instigator, the Scenography Journal has thumbled out of its dark cave, and is now crawling, humming and shining in the light.
Our first issue smells of newness: It features reviews, recommended reading, theoretical pieces, and the latest news from our part of the world - the Nordics, by some termed the periphery. But beware - as Isaac Asimov famously said in his Foundation trilogy, it all starts in the periphery.
The cover photo features me cooking scenography stuff in the Humanities building's kitchen, the very heart of the University! I wish to thank the staff as well as the photographer and the team members, for such a lovely afternoon of creative work. Scenography is always ongoing, let's explore its many diverse life forms.
We welcome readers as well as contributors, to engage and get in touch. Plunge in!
Astrid von Rosen, editor in chief
Contents #1
Editorial: A Scenography Journal is born
Review: Könsöverskridande Haute Couture med visuellt överdåd och kritisk udd
Research article: Den scenografiska kyssen
Review: Reservatet av Jörgen Lind
Essay: Remembering Vaults of Heaven
Recommended reading: Publication by Olga Nikolaeva
Research report: Olfactory Ekphrasis & Scented Scenographics at CIHA2024
Event: Olfactory ekphrasis - Upcoming scented tours with Viveka Kjellmer
Event: Finissagevisning med Anders Petersen och Astrid von Rosen