Welcome to Scenography Journal!
This online journal was inaugurated in October 2024. It features articles, reviews and news on and with scenography. Click on Journal - plunge in!
We explore scenography

We bridge borders between theory and practice, academy and stage, history and present, for futures.

We explore scenography as a co-creative and transformative agent of performance.

Our journal articles and books feature scenography research, reviews, and activities. Enjoy!
Scenography Journal is published online four times yearly.
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Professor Astrid von Rosen, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
MULTISENSORY COMMUNICATION & COSTUME EDITOR: Associate Professor, Viveka Kjellmer, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
EDITORIAL BOARD: Dr Rachel Hann, Northumbria University, UK. Professor emeritus Willmar Sauter, Stockholm University, Sweden. Dr Olga Nikolaeva, Statens musikverk & Linnaeus University, Sweden. Dr Tua Helve, Helsinki, Finland. Scenographer Marika Feinsilber, Sweden. Scenographer and production designer Louise Drake, Sweden. .
CONTACT: Please visit our university home to contact us.
ETHOS: Mobilizing networks of care we strive to establish a web of constructive relations, consisting of people and contexts, engaged in scenography in diverse ways. We seek to enhance scenography awareness, in tandem with exposing, challenging and conscioulsy confusing the hierarchies of dominant normativites and ideologies. Let's make scenographic futures!
SUPPORT: We thank Klös förlag, Nordisk kulturfond Opstart, Riksbankens jubileumsfond, Riksarkivet, Centre for Critical Heritage Studies UGOT (https://www.gu.se/en/critical-heritage-studies ) and Department of Cultural Sciences University of Gothenburg, for supporting us.
ISSN: 3035-7144