Plunge in - feel scenography!
We are passionate about scenography as multisensory action and critical heritage. We explore makings and experiences of multisensory scenographic processes, events, aftermaths, and futures. Feel free to join theadventures of the Scenography Patrol - see our blog!
We explore multisensory action
Archives and personal memories are active agents operating in a scenographic web of relations.
Scenography is a co-creative and transformative agent of performance.
Via the tab Blog you can explore scenography research, reviews, and activities. Join the adventure!
SUPPORT: We thank Nordisk kulturfond Opstart, Riksbankens jubileumsfond, Riksarkivet and Centre for Critical Heritage Studies UGOT ( ) and Department of Cultural Sciences University of Gothenburg, for supporting us.
COLLABORATIONS: Knowing in Motion: Dance, Body, Archive at University of Copenhagen. Dancing Archives Network. Scenkonstmuseet / Swedish Museum of Performing Arts. Teater Albatross and scenographer Åsa Lieberath. WIFT Woman in Film and Television and international film coach Helene Granqvist. Dig Where You Stand Research Group and Dr Andrew Flinn, UCL London. Institute of Advanced Study University of Loughborough UK and international feminist art historian professor Marsha Meskimmon. Northumbria University with leading scenography scholar Rachel Hann and doctoral students.
ETHOS: Mobilizing networks of care we strive to establish a web of constructive relations, consisting of people and contexts, engaged in scenography in diverse ways. We enhance scenography awareness, in tandem with exposing, challenging and conscioulsy confusing the hierarchies of dominant normativites and ideologies. Let's make scenographic futures!