#2 Research: Tua Helve's new project on costumes as knowledge producers

Finnish scholar Tua Helve's post-doctoral research project 'Performance costumes as knowledge producers: costume choices and artistic thinking in the 21st century through the work of performance group Oblivia' has recieved funding from Kone Foundation.
The project examines costume choices in performing arts as significant producers of information not only for an individual work, but also for the artistic identity of the artist group. It does so by exploring costume choices in producing recognizable artistry from the perspectives of crystallization, repetition, adherence and change. The main materials are the 20-year work of the Finnish performance group Oblivia and Helve's artistic practice with the group since 2014. By looking at Oblivia's body of work, she investigates the ways in which the visual identity of the group has formed at the beginning of its career in the early 2000s and now, over 20 years later. She explores how the group through its costume choices not only manifests its special characteristics but also its relationship with the peer contemporary artists of the same and related genres; is linked to international influence; and materializes its other values and artistic thinking.
During the research, Helve continues her collaborative and design work with the group. The methods include auto ethnography, archival research and interviewing. The project recognizes the scarcity of research in performance in the 21st century from the perspective of costume design. It aims to contribute to knowledge about the significance of costume design in contemporary performance, to increase awareness on costume choices as a route to self-understanding and expression in the performing arts, and to complement Finnish performance art history writing as academic research on Oblivia is so far limited.
Tua Helve
Doctor of Arts (costume design) Tua Helve works with performing arts as a researcher, artist, visiting lecturer, and thesis supervisor both in Finland and abroad. Tua's areas of specialization are costume and costume design processes in contemporary performance; the history of dance costume in the West from the 16th century to the present; artistic collaboration and collective practice in the performing arts from the second half of the 20th century onwards; and research skills. Her research interests include feminist and interdisciplinary performing arts research as well as contemporary artist's work. She holds various positions of trust in the field and is an active contributor to national and international networks.
Helve is also a member of Scenography Journal's Editorial Board.
About the image: Oblivia photo shoot on 6 Dec 2024 with from left, Annika Tudeer (in the gold costume), Timo Fredriksson and Anna-Maija Terävä. Photo Tua Helve.
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